Vulnerability and conservation of Andean birds

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Vulnerability and conservation of Andean birds

There is Little knowledge about the quality of geographic information used to project the distribution ranges of endemic and threatened birds in Colombia. This may result in erroneous conclusions about vulnerability to extinction and conservation priorities. Identifying gaps and biases inherent to the available information used to generate the distributions of Andean birds is crucial given these species’ sensitivity to forest fragmentation, deforestation and climate change. In this project, SELVA evaluates the geographic Information available for groups of birds restricted to the Colombian Andes to (i) identify priorities for research and conservation, and (ii) detect populations which may be susceptible to the effects of climate change. Our study models will be birds in the families Ramphastidae, Psittacidae, Grallaridae and Cotingidae.

Project objectives

Identify knowledge gaps for the study species

Determine the effect of geographic biases on the evaluation of extinction risk

Identify conservation gaps for the study species after curating all the available information

Evaluate vulnerability to climate change through quantification of potential loss of singular environmental areas

Project gallery

Investigate to understand, understand to act

Support our work to understand the needs of Andean birds.

Project Team

Nattaly Tejeiro

Nattaly Tejeiro


Dennys Plazas

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Nabhi Romero


Esteban Botero-Delgadillo

Director of Conservation Science